Linton News Riverside Nurseries

Cover for Riverside Plants
Riverside Plants

Riverside Plants

Garden centre & nurseries

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Good morning!

Just a reminder that we are open at Linton today between 10am and 4pm, our first weekend of the year!

We have a great selection ready

Lots of Shrubs!
And lots more!

Look forward to seeing you soon!

#yorkshiregrown #plants #gardening #loveyourweekend #loveyourgarden #horticulturalgrit #peatfree #compost #springflowers #primrose #springtime #primroses #perennials #opensundays #opensunday #homegrown #localnursery #localnurseries #springbulbs🌷 #linton #riversideplants #viola #shrubs #shoplocal #teteatete
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Good morning! 

Just a reminder that we are open at Linton today between 10am and 4pm, our first weekend of the year! 

We have a great selection ready

Lots of Shrubs!
And lots more!

Look forward to seeing you soon!

#yorkshiregrown #plants #gardening #loveyourweekend #loveyourgarden #horticulturalgrit #peatfree #compost #springflowers #primrose #springtime #primroses #perennials #opensundays #opensunday #homegrown #localnursery #localnurseries #springbulbs🌷 #linton #riversideplants #viola #shrubs #shoplocal #teteateteImage attachmentImage attachment+4Image attachment

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Rob Yates

Tête-à-tête, a real sign of Springtime! 

#yorkshiregrown #springflowers #primrose #springtime #primroses #perennials #homegrown #localnursery #localnurseries #linton #riversideplants #springbulbs #shadwell #shrubs #shoplocal #teteatete #têteàtêteImage attachmentImage attachment

A lovely start to the weekend!

Just a reminder that we are closed at the weekend at Linton until early March, but we are of course open at Shadwell Today!

This week we had our first delivery from Holland 🇳🇱, which we will be getting onto the benches over the coming week!

Have a great weekend!


#plants #gardening #loveyourweekend #loveyourgarden #compost #springflowers #primrose #springtime #primroses #perennials #cyclamen #homegrown #localnursery #springbulbs🌷 #riversideplants #viola #shadwell #winterbeddingplants #shrubs #teteatete
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A lovely start to the weekend!

Just a reminder that we are closed at the weekend at Linton until early March, but we are of course open at Shadwell Today!

This week we had our first delivery from Holland 🇳🇱, which we will be getting onto the benches over the coming week! 

Have a great weekend!


#plants #gardening #loveyourweekend #loveyourgarden #compost #springflowers #primrose #springtime #primroses #perennials #cyclamen #homegrown #localnursery #springbulbs🌷 #riversideplants #viola #shadwell #winterbeddingplants #shrubs #teteateteImage attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

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Unfortunately, due to staff illness, Riverside Plants at Linton will be closed today.

Both Shadwell and Linton Nurseries will be open as usual tomorrow.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend


#riversideplants #linton
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Hi Katie, sorry for the late reply, I’ve only just seen your message! We do have a few left at Shadwell. We are open until 12.30pm tomorrow. All the best🎄

Are you open today and do you still have some hanging baskets thx

Unfortunately, due to the very strong winds at Shadwell, we have had to close the gates for today I’m afraid. We will reopen on Monday morning at 10am.

Linton remains open (for now at least…!)

Take care

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A lovely article by the RHS about one of our In Bloom Groups, Todmordon In Bloom. Congratulations on this years award and celebrating 25 years! Fantastic!

#todmorden #inbloom #teamwork #basketplants #springflowers #primrose #primroses #springtime #localnursery #homegrown #wintercolour #springbulbs🌷 #winterpansies #linton #riversideplants #viola #springbulbs #winterbeddingplants #shrubs #yorkshiregrown #yorkshiregrower #yorkshire
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